
Zhensong Liao

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6EEDeqing Zou, Jong Hyuk Park, Laurence Tianruo Yang, Zhensong Liao, Tai-Hoon Kim: A Formal Framework for Expressing Trust Negotiation in the Ubiquitous Computing Environment. UIC 2008: 35-45
5EEZhensong Liao, Yan Huang: Horseshoe and topological entropy estimate of a class of three-dimensional cellular neural networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation 197(1): 382-388 (2008)
4EEZhensong Liao, Hai Jin, Deqing Zou: A Hidden Credential Based Oblivious Automated Trust Negotiation Model. ICEBE 2007: 247-253
3EEZhensong Liao, Hai Jin: A RT0-Based Compliance Checker Model for Automated Trust Negotiation. PAISI 2007: 129-140
2EEHai Jin, Ruhan He, Zhensong Liao, Wenbing Tao, Qin Zhang: A Flexible and Extensible Framework for Web Image Retrieval System. AICT/ICIW 2006: 193
1EEHai Jin, Zhensong Liao, Deqing Zou, Weizhong Qiang: A New Approach to Hide Policy for Automated Trust Negotiation. IWSEC 2006: 168-178

Coauthor Index

1Ruhan He [2]
2Yan Huang [5]
3Hai Jin [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Tai-Hoon Kim [6]
5Jong Hyuk Park [6]
6Weizhong Qiang [1]
7Wenbing Tao [2]
8Laurence Tianruo Yang [6]
9Qin Zhang [2]
10Deqing Zou [1] [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)