
I-En Liao

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10EEI-Hui Li, I-En Liao, Feng-Nien Wu: A traffic load-aware energy efficient protocol for wireless sensor networks. Mobility Conference 2008: 5
9EEI-En Liao, Kuo-Fong Kao: Enhancing the accuracy of WLAN-based location determination systems using predicted orientation information. Inf. Sci. 178(4): 1049-1068 (2008)
8EECheng-Chi Lee, Min-Shiang Hwang, I-En Liao: A new authentication protocol based on pointer forwarding for mobile communications. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 8(5): 661-672 (2008)
7EEI-En Liao, Kuo-Fong Kao, Ke-An Chen: WLAN Location-Aware Application Based on Accumulated Orientation Strength Algorithm. EuroSSC 2006: 204-217
6EEI-En Liao, Shu-Chuan Liao, Kuo-Fong Kao, Ine-Fei Harn: A Personal Ontology Model for Library Recommendation System. ICADL 2006: 173-182
5 I-En Liao, Cheng-Chi Lee, Min-Shiang Hwang: Identity-based deniable authentication protocol from pairings. IMSA 2006: 112-114
4EEI-En Liao, Cheng-Chi Lee, Min-Shiang Hwang: A password authentication scheme over insecure networks. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 72(4): 727-740 (2006)
3EEKuo-Feng Hwang, I-En Liao: Two attacks on a user friendly remote authentication scheme with smart cards. Operating Systems Review 39(2): 94-96 (2005)
2EECheng-Chi Lee, Min-Shiang Hwang, I-En Liao: A server assisted authentication protocol for detecting error vectors. Operating Systems Review 38(2): 93-96 (2004)
1EEI-En Liao, Ming T. Liu: Incremental Protocol Verfication Using Deductive Database Systems. ICDE 1989: 216-223

Coauthor Index

1Ke-An Chen [7]
2Ine-Fei Harn [6]
3Kuo-Feng Hwang [3]
4Min-Shiang Hwang [2] [4] [5] [8]
5Kuo-Fong Kao [6] [7] [9]
6Cheng-Chi Lee [2] [4] [5] [8]
7I-Hui Li [10]
8Shu-Chuan Liao [6]
9Ming T. Liu (Ming-Tsan Liu) [1]
10Feng-Nien Wu [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)