
Dongming Liang

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8EEJarek Gryz, Dongming Liang: Holes in joins. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 26(3): 247-268 (2006)
7 Jan Chomicki, Parke Godfrey, Jarek Gryz, Dongming Liang: Skyline with Presorting: Theory and Optimizations. Intelligent Information Systems 2005: 595-604
6EEDaniel C. Zilio, Calisto Zuzarte, Sam Lightstone, Wenbin Ma, Guy M. Lohman, Roberta Cochrane, Hamid Pirahesh, Latha S. Colby, Jarek Gryz, Eric Alton, Dongming Liang, Gary Valentin: Recommending Materialized Views and Indexes with IBM DB2 Design Advisor. ICAC 2004: 180-188
5 Jarek Gryz, Dongming Liang: Query Selectivity Estimation via Data Mining. Intelligent Information Systems 2004: 29-38
4EEJan Chomicki, Parke Godfrey, Jarek Gryz, Dongming Liang: Skyline with Presorting. ICDE 2003: 717-816
3EEJeff Edmonds, Jarek Gryz, Dongming Liang, Renée J. Miller: Mining for empty spaces in large data sets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 296(3): 435-452 (2003)
2EEJarek Gryz, Dongming Liang: Query Optimization via Empty Joins. DEXA 2002: 710-720
1EEJeff Edmonds, Jarek Gryz, Dongming Liang, Renée J. Miller: Mining for Empty Rectangles in Large Data Sets. ICDT 2001: 174-188

Coauthor Index

1Eric Alton [6]
2Jan Chomicki [4] [7]
3Roberta Cochrane [6]
4Latha S. Colby [6]
5Jeff Edmonds [1] [3]
6Parke Godfrey [4] [7]
7Jarek Gryz [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
8Sam Lightstone [6]
9Guy M. Lohman [6]
10Wenbin Ma [6]
11Renée J. Miller [1] [3]
12Hamid Pirahesh [6]
13Gary Valentin [6]
14Daniel C. Zilio [6]
15Calisto Zuzarte [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)