
Warren X. Li

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5EEWarren X. Li: Interactively extracting internal program information in language-based editing systems. Information & Software Technology 39(4): 261-270 (1997)
4EEWarren X. Li: A new approach to incremental LR parsing. J. Prog. Lang. 5(1): 173-188 (1997)
3 Warren X. Li: Building Efficient Incremental LL Parsers by Augmenting LL Tables and Threading Parse Trees. Comput. Lang. 22(4): 225-235 (1996)
2EEWarren X. Li: Building efficient incremental LL parser by augmenting LL table and threading parse tree. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1995: 269-270
1 Warren X. Li: A Simple and Efficient Incremental LL(1) parsing. SOFSEM 1995: 399-404

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)