
Shoufu Li

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14EEYuexin Yu, Shoufu Li: Stability analysis of nonlinear functional differential and functional equations. Appl. Math. Lett. 22(5): 787-791 (2009)
13EEWansheng Wang, Shoufu Li: Dissipativity of Runge-Kutta methods for neutral delay differential equations with piecewise constant delay. Appl. Math. Lett. 21(9): 983-991 (2008)
12EELiping Wen, Wansheng Wang, Yuexin Yu, Shoufu Li: Nonlinear stability and asymptotic stability of implicit Euler method for stiff Volterra functional differential equations in Banach spaces. Applied Mathematics and Computation 198(2): 582-591 (2008)
11EEWansheng Wang, Liping Wen, Shoufu Li: Nonlinear stability of theta-methods for neutral differential equations in Banach space. Applied Mathematics and Computation 198(2): 742-753 (2008)
10EEWansheng Wang, Liping Wen, Shoufu Li: Nonlinear stability of explicit and diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta methods for neutral delay differential equations in Banach space. Applied Mathematics and Computation 199(2): 787-803 (2008)
9EEWansheng Wang, Shoufu Li: Stability Analysis of Theta-Methods for Nonlinear Neutral Functional Differential Equations. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 30(4): 2181-2205 (2008)
8EEYuexin Yu, Liping Wen, Shoufu Li: Stability analysis of general linear methods for nonlinear neutral delay differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 187(2): 1389-1398 (2007)
7EEYuexin Yu, Liping Wen, Shoufu Li: Nonlinear stability of Runge-Kutta methods for neutral delay integro-differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 191(2): 543-549 (2007)
6EEWansheng Wang, Shoufu Li: On the one-leg theta-methods for solving nonlinear neutral functional differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 193(1): 285-301 (2007)
5EELiping Wen, Yuexin Yu, Shoufu Li: The test problem class of Volterra functional differential equations in Banach space. Applied Mathematics and Computation 179(1): 30-38 (2006)
4EELiping Wen, Yuexin Yu, Shoufu Li: Stability of explicit and diagonal implicit Runge-Kutta methods for nonlinear Volterra functional differential equations in Banach spaces. Applied Mathematics and Computation 183(1): 68-78 (2006)
3EELiping Wen, Shoufu Li: Nonlinear stability of linear multistep methods for stiff delay differential equations in Banach spaces. Applied Mathematics and Computation 168(2): 1031-1044 (2005)
2EEAiguo Xiao, Shoufu Li: short communication: Error of Partitioned Runge-Kutta Methods for Multiple Stiff Singular Perturbation Problems. Computing 64(2): 183-189 (2000)
1 Shoufu Li: Stability and B-convergence properties of multistep Runge-Kutta methods. Math. Comput. 69(232): 1481-1504 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Wansheng Wang [6] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
2Liping Wen [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12]
3Aiguo Xiao [2]
4Yuexin Yu [4] [5] [7] [8] [12] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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