
Minming Li

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18EEMinming Li, Ze Feng, Nan Zang, Ronald L. Graham, Frances F. Yao: Approximately optimal trees for group key management with batch updates. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(11): 1013-1021 (2009)
17EEWeiwei Wu, Minming Li, Enhong Chen: Optimal Tree Structures for Group Key Tree Management Considering Insertion and Deletion Cost. COCOON 2008: 521-530
16EEWeiwei Wu, Minming Li, Enhong Chen: Optimal Key Tree Structure for Deleting Two or More Leaves. ISAAC 2008: 77-88
15EEGuoliang Xing, Tian Wang, Weijia Jia, Minming Li: Rendezvous design algorithms for wireless sensor networks with a mobile base station. MobiHoc 2008: 231-240
14EEMinming Li: Voltage Scheduling. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
13EEZhi-Zhong Chen, Ze Feng, Minming Li, F. Frances Yao: Optimizing deletion cost for secure multicast key management. Theor. Comput. Sci. 401(1-3): 52-61 (2008)
12EEScott C.-H. Huang, F. Frances Yao, Minming Li, Weili Wu: Lower bounds and new constructions on secure group communication schemes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 407(1-3): 511-523 (2008)
11EEHongbo Luo, Guoliang Xing, Minming Li, Xiaohua Jia: Dynamic multi-resolution data dissemination in storage-centric wireless sensor networks. MSWiM 2007: 78-85
10EEMinming Li, Ze Feng, Ronald L. Graham, Frances F. Yao: Approximately Optimal Trees for Group Key Management with Batch Updates. TAMC 2007: 284-295
9EEXiaotie Deng, Li-Sha Huang, Minming Li: On Walrasian Price of CPU Time. Algorithmica 48(2): 159-172 (2007)
8EERonald L. Graham, Minming Li, Frances F. Yao: Optimal Tree Structures for Group Key Management with Batch Updates. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 21(2): 532-547 (2007)
7EEMinming Li, Becky Jie Liu, Frances F. Yao: Min-energy voltage allocation for tree-structured tasks. J. Comb. Optim. 11(3): 305-319 (2006)
6EEMinming Li, Becky Jie Liu, Frances F. Yao: Min-Energy Voltage Allocation for Tree-Structured Tasks. COCOON 2005: 283-296
5EEXiaotie Deng, Li-Sha Huang, Minming Li: On Walrasian Price of CPU Time. COCOON 2005: 586-595
4EEMinming Li, Frances F. Yao: An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Optimal Discrete Voltage Schedules. MFCS 2005: 652-663
3EEMinming Li, F. Frances Yao: An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Optimal Discrete Voltage Schedules. SIAM J. Comput. 35(3): 658-671 (2005)
2EELi-Sha Huang, Minming Li, Bo Zhang: Approximation of Walrasian equilibrium in single-minded auctions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 337(1-3): 390-398 (2005)
1EEMinming Li, Shawn L. Huang, Xiaoming Sun, Xiao Huang: Performance evaluation for energy efficient topologic control in ad hoc wireless networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 326(1-3): 399-408 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Enhong Chen [16] [17]
2Zhi-Zhong Chen [13]
3Xiaotie Deng [5] [9]
4Ze Feng [10] [13] [18]
5Ronald L. Graham [8] [10] [18]
6Li-Sha Huang [2] [5] [9]
7Scott C.-H. Huang [12]
8Shawn L. Huang [1]
9Xiao Huang [1]
10Weijia Jia [15]
11Xiaohua Jia [11]
12Becky Jie Liu [6] [7]
13Hongbo Luo [11]
14Xiaoming Sun [1]
15Tian Wang [15]
16Weili Wu [12]
17Weiwei Wu [16] [17]
18Guoliang Xing [11] [15]
19F. Frances Yao (Frances F. Yao, Foong Frances Yao) [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12] [13] [18]
20Nan Zang [18]
21Bo Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)