
Jian-Wei Li

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5EEChung-Ming Huang, Jian-Wei Li: A Context Transfer Mechanism for IEEE 802.11r in the Centralized Wireless LAN Architecture. AINA 2008: 257-263
4EEChung-Ming Huang, Jian-Wei Li: One-Pass Authentication and Key Agreement Procedure in IP Multimedia Subsystem for UMTS. AINA 2007: 482-489
3EEChung-Ming Huang, Jian-Wei Li: Efficient and Provably Secure IP Multimedia Subsystem Authentication for UMTS. Comput. J. 50(6): 739-757 (2007)
2EEChung-Ming Huang, Jian-Wei Li: An Accelerated IEEE 802.11 Handoff Process Based on the Dynamic Cluster Chain Method. Computer Communications 30(6): 1383-1395 (2007)
1EEChung-Ming Huang, Jian-Wei Li: Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for UMTS with Low Bandwidth Consumption. AINA 2005: 392-397

Coauthor Index

1Chung-Ming Huang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)