
Grant Lewison

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7EEGrant Lewison: The reporting of the risks from genetically modified organisms in the mass media, 2002-2004. Scientometrics 72(3): 439-458 (2007)
6EESteven Wooding, Kate Wilcox-Jay, Grant Lewison, Jonathan Grant: Co-author inclusion: A novel recursive algorithmic method for dealingwith homonyms in bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics 66(1): 11-21 (2006)
5EEGrant Lewison, James Hartley: What's in a title? Numbers of words and the presence of colons. Scientometrics 63(2): 341-356 (2005)
4EESteve Hanney, Iain Frame, Jonathan Grant, Martin Buxton, Tracey Young, Grant Lewison: Using categorisations of citations when assessing the outcomes from health research. Scientometrics 65(3): 357-379 (2005)
3EEGrant Lewison: James Bond and citations to his books. Scientometrics 59(3): 311-320 (2004)
2EEGrant Lewison, Guillermo Paraje: The classification of biomedical journals by research level. Scientometrics 60(2): 145-157 (2004)
1EEJacqueline Leta, Grant Lewison: The contribution of women in Brazilian science: A case study in astronomy, immunology and oceanography. Scientometrics 57(3): 339-353 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Martin Buxton [4]
2Iain Frame [4]
3Jonathan Grant [4] [6]
4Steve Hanney [4]
5James Hartley [5]
6Jacqueline Leta [1]
7Guillermo Paraje [2]
8Kate Wilcox-Jay [6]
9Steven Wooding [6]
10Tracey Young [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)