
Peter A. W. Lewis

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15EEPeter A. W. Lewis: Statistical Simulation and Illustration Using the APL2/AGSS Computing Environment. APL 1994: 122-130
14EEPeter A. W. Lewis, Richard L. Ressler: Average regression-adjusted controlled regenerative estimates. Winter Simulation Conference 1991: 921-926
13EEPeter A. W. Lewis, James G. Stevens: Smoothing time series for input and output analysis in system simulation experiments. Winter Simulation Conference 1990: 46-48
12EEPeter A. W. Lewis: A graphical test bed (SIMTBED) for analyzing and reporting the results of a statistical experiment. Winter Simulation Conference 1989: 334-343
11EEPeter A. W. Lewis, Richard L. Ressler: Variance reduction of quantile estimates via nonlinear control. Winter Simulation Conference 1989: 450-454
10 L. S. Dewald, Peter A. W. Lewis: A new Laplace second-order autoregressive time-series model - NLAR(2). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 31(5): 645-651 (1985)
9 Philip Heidelberger, Peter A. W. Lewis: Regression-Adjusted Estimates for Regenerative Simulations, with Graphics. Commun. ACM 24(4): 260-273 (1981)
8EEDonald L. Iglehart, Peter A. W. Lewis: Regenerative Simulation with Internal Controls. J. ACM 26(2): 271-282 (1979)
7 Peter A. W. Lewis, Gerald S. Shedler: Statistical Analysis of Non-Stationary Series of Events in a Data Base System. IBM Journal of Research and Development 20(5): 465-482 (1976)
6 Donald P. Gaver, Peter A. W. Lewis, Gerald S. Shedler: Analysis of Exception Data in a Staging Hierarchy. IBM Journal of Research and Development 18(5): 423-435 (1974)
5EEDonald P. Gaver, Peter A. W. Lewis: Probability Models for Buffer Storage Allocation Problems. J. ACM 18(2): 186-198 (1971)
4EEPeter A. W. Lewis, Gerald S. Shedler: A Cyclic-Queue Model of System Overhead in Multiprogrammed Computer Systems. J. ACM 18(2): 199-220 (1971)
3 Peter A. W. Lewis, Allan S. Goodman, James M. Miller: A Pseudo-Random Number Generator for the System/360. IBM Systems Journal 8(2): 360-146 (1969)
2EEPeter A. W. Lewis, P. B. Baxendale, J. L. Bennett: Statistical Discrimination of the Synonymy/Antonymy Relationship Between Words. J. ACM 14(1): 20-44 (1967)
1 Peter A. W. Lewis: A Computer Program for the Statistical Analysis of Series of Events. IBM Systems Journal 5(4): 202-225 (1966)

Coauthor Index

1P. B. Baxendale [2]
2J. L. Bennett [2]
3L. S. Dewald [10]
4Donald P. Gaver [5] [6]
5Allan S. Goodman [3]
6Philip Heidelberger [9]
7Donald L. Iglehart [8]
8James M. Miller [3]
9Richard L. Ressler [11] [14]
10Gerald S. Shedler [4] [6] [7]
11James G. Stevens [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)