
Ronald M. Levy

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12EEEmilio Gallicchio, Ronald M. Levy, Manish Parashar: Asynchronous replica exchange for molecular simulations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(5): 788-794 (2008)
11EELi Zhang, Manish Parashar, Emilio Gallicchio, Ronald M. Levy: Salsa: Scalable Asynchronous Replica Exchange for Parallel Molecular Dynamics Applications. ICPP 2006: 127-134
10EEJay L. Banks, Hege S. Beard, Yixiang X. Cao, Art E. Cho, Wolfgang Damm, Ramy Farid, Anthony K. Felts, Thomas A. Halgren, Daniel T. Mainz, Jon R. Maple, Robert B. Murphy, Dean M. Philipp, Matthew P. Repasky, Linda Yu Zhang, Bruce J. Berne, Richard A. Friesner, Emilio Gallicchio, Ronald M. Levy: Integrated Modeling Program, Applied Chemical Theory (IMPACT). Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(16): 1752-1780 (2005)
9EEEmilio Gallicchio, Ronald M. Levy: AGBNP: An analytic implicit solvent model suitable for molecular dynamics simulations and high-resolution modeling. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(4): 479-499 (2004)
8 Ronald M. Levy, Jay Nagarajarao, Giovanni Pacifici, Mike Spreitzer, Asser N. Tantawi, Alaa Youssef: Performance Management for Cluster Based Web Services. Integrated Network Management 2003: 247-261
7EEBoris M. Chernyavsky, Emilio Gallicchio, Doyle D. Knight, Ronald M. Levy, Andy Page: The Rutgers Computational Grid: A Distributed Linux PC Cluster. Cluster Computing 6(3): 267-278 (2003)
6EEEmilio Gallicchio, Linda Yu Zhang, Ronald M. Levy: The SGB/NP hydration free energy model based on the surface generalized born solvent reaction field and novel nonpolar hydration free energy estimators. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(5): 517-529 (2002)
5 Boris M. Chernyavsky, Emilio Gallicchio, Doyle D. Knight, Ronald M. Levy: The Rutgers Computational Grid Based on Linux PC Cluster. PPSC 2001
4EELinda Yu Zhang, Emilio Gallicchio, Richard A. Friesner, Ronald M. Levy: Solvent models for protein-ligand binding: Comparison of implicit solvent poisson and surface generalized born models with explicit solvent simulations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(6): 591-607 (2001)
3 Anders Wallqvist, Yoshifumi Fukunishi, Lynne Reed Murphy, Addi Fadel, Ronald M. Levy: Iterative sequence/secondary structure search for protein homologs: comparison with amino acid sequence alignments and application to fold recognition in genome databases. Bioinformatics 16(11): 988-1002 (2000)
2 Dan N. Bernardo, Yanbo Ding, Karsten Krogh-Jespersen, Ronald M. Levy: Evaluating Polarizable Potentials on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers: Program Development and Applications. Journal of Computational Chemistry 16(9): 1141-1152 (1995)
1EESteven L. Gallion, Ronald M. Levy, Paul K. Weiner, Fumio Hirata: Implementation of a macromolecular mechanics program on a cyber 205 supercomputer. Computers & Chemistry 10(3): 165-173 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Jay L. Banks [10]
2Hege S. Beard [10]
3Dan N. Bernardo [2]
4Bruce J. Berne [10]
5Yixiang X. Cao [10]
6Boris M. Chernyavsky [5] [7]
7Art E. Cho [10]
8Wolfgang Damm [10]
9Yanbo Ding [2]
10Addi Fadel [3]
11Ramy Farid [10]
12Anthony K. Felts [10]
13Richard A. Friesner [4] [10]
14Yoshifumi Fukunishi [3]
15Emilio Gallicchio [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12]
16Steven L. Gallion [1]
17Thomas A. Halgren [10]
18Fumio Hirata [1]
19Doyle D. Knight [5] [7]
20Karsten Krogh-Jespersen [2]
21Daniel T. Mainz [10]
22Jon R. Maple [10]
23Lynne Reed Murphy [3]
24Robert B. Murphy [10]
25Jay Nagarajarao [8]
26Giovanni Pacifici [8]
27Andy Page [7]
28Manish Parashar [11] [12]
29Dean M. Philipp [10]
30Matthew P. Repasky [10]
31Mike Spreitzer [8]
32Asser N. Tantawi [8]
33Anders Wallqvist [3]
34Paul K. Weiner [1]
35Alaa Youssef [8]
36Li Zhang [11]
37Linda Yu Zhang [4] [6] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)