2006 | ||
6 | EE | Golan Levin: Computer vision for artists and designers: pedagogic tools and techniques for novice programmers. AI Soc. 20(4): 462-482 (2006) |
2005 | ||
5 | EE | Golan Levin, Zachary Lieberman: Sounds from Shapes: Audiovisual Performance with Hand Silhouette Contours in The Manual Input Sessions. NIME 2005: 115-120 |
4 | EE | Golan Levin: A Personal Chronology of Audiovisual Systems Research. NIME 2005: 2-3 |
2004 | ||
3 | EE | Golan Levin, Zachary Lieberman: In-situ speech visualization in real-time interactive installation and performance. NPAR 2004: 7-14 |
2000 | ||
2 | EE | Karon E. MacLean, Scott S. Snibbe, Golan Levin: Tagged handles: merging discrete and continuous manual control. CHI 2000: 225-232 |
1 | EE | Scott S. Snibbe, Golan Levin: Interactive dynamic abstraction. NPAR 2000: 21-29 |
1 | Zachary Lieberman | [3] [5] |
2 | Karon E. MacLean | [2] |
3 | Scott S. Snibbe | [1] [2] |