
Retsef Levi

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11EENiv Buchbinder, Tracy Kimbrel, Retsef Levi, Konstantin Makarychev, Maxim Sviridenko: Online make-to-order joint replenishment model: primal dual competitive algorithms. SODA 2008: 952-961
10EEGuy Even, Retsef Levi, Dror Rawitz, Baruch Schieber, Shimon Shahar, Maxim Sviridenko: Algorithms for capacitated rectangle stabbing and lot sizing with joint set-up costs. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 4(3): (2008)
9EERetsef Levi, Andrea Lodi, Maxim Sviridenko: Approximation Algorithms for the Multi-item Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem Via Flow-Cover Inequalities. IPCO 2007: 454-468
8EERetsef Levi, Maxim Sviridenko: Improved Approximation Algorithm for the One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Problem. APPROX-RANDOM 2006: 188-199
7EERetsef Levi, Robin Roundy, David B. Shmoys: Provably near-optimal sampling-based algorithms for Stochastic inventory control models. STOC 2006: 739-748
6EERetsef Levi, Joseph Geunes, H. Edwin Romeijn, David B. Shmoys: Inventory and Facility Location Models with Market Selection. IPCO 2005: 111-124
5EERetsef Levi, Martin Pál, Robin Roundy, David B. Shmoys: Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Inventory Control Models. IPCO 2005: 306-320
4EERetsef Levi, Robin Roundy, David B. Shmoys: A constant approximation algorithm for the one-warehouse multi-retailer problem. SODA 2005: 365-374
3EERetsef Levi, David B. Shmoys, Chaitanya Swamy: LP-based Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Facility Location. IPCO 2004: 206-218
2EEDavid B. Shmoys, Chaitanya Swamy, Retsef Levi: Facility location with Service Installation Costs. SODA 2004: 1088-1097
1EERetsef Levi, Robin Roundy, David B. Shmoys: Primal-dual algorithms for deterministic inventory problems. STOC 2004: 353-362

Coauthor Index

1Niv Buchbinder [11]
2Guy Even [10]
3Joseph Geunes [6]
4Tracy Kimbrel [11]
5Andrea Lodi [9]
6Konstantin Makarychev [11]
7Martin Pál (Martin Pal) [5]
8Dror Rawitz [10]
9H. Edwin Romeijn [6]
10Robin Roundy [1] [4] [5] [7]
11Baruch Schieber [10]
12Shimon Shahar (Moni Shahar) [10]
13David B. Shmoys [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
14Maxim Sviridenko [8] [9] [10] [11]
15Chaitanya Swamy [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)