
Andrew W. Leung

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7EEAndrew W. Leung, Minglong Shao, Timothy Bisson, Shankar Pasupathy, Ethan L. Miller: Spyglass: Fast, Scalable Metadata Search for Large-Scale Storage Systems. FAST 2009: 153-166
6EEAndrew W. Leung, Shankar Pasupathy, Garth R. Goodson, Ethan L. Miller: Measurement and Analysis of Large-Scale Network File System Workloads. USENIX Annual Technical Conference 2008: 213-226
5EEAndrew W. Leung, Eric Lalonde, Jacob Telleen, James Davis, Carlos Maltzahn: Using Comprehensive Analysis for Performance Debugging in Distributed Storage Systems. MSST 2007: 281-286
4EEJonathan Koren, Andrew W. Leung, Yi Zhang, Carlos Maltzahn, Sasha Ames, Ethan L. Miller: Searching and navigating petabyte-scale file systems based on facets. PDSW 2007: 21-25
3EESage A. Weil, Andrew W. Leung, Scott A. Brandt, Carlos Maltzahn: RADOS: a scalable, reliable storage service for petabyte-scale storage clusters. PDSW 2007: 35-44
2EEAndrew W. Leung, Ethan L. Miller, Stephanie Jones: Scalable security for petascale parallel file systems. SC 2007: 16
1EEAndrew W. Leung, Ethan L. Miller: Scalable security for large, high performance storage systems. StorageSS 2006: 29-40

Coauthor Index

1Sasha Ames [4]
2Timothy Bisson [7]
3Scott A. Brandt [3]
4James Davis [5]
5Garth R. Goodson [6]
6Stephanie Jones [2]
7Jonathan Koren [4]
8Eric Lalonde [5]
9Carlos Maltzahn [3] [4] [5]
10Ethan L. Miller [1] [2] [4] [6] [7]
11Shankar Pasupathy [6] [7]
12Minglong Shao [7]
13Jacob Telleen [5]
14Sage A. Weil [3]
15Yi Zhang [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)