
Catherine Letondal

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5EETheophanis Tsandilas, Catherine Letondal, Wendy E. Mackay: Musink: composing music through augmented drawing. CHI 2009: 819-828
4EEAurélien Tabard, Wendy E. Mackay, Nicolas Roussel, Catherine Letondal: PageLinker: integrating contextual bookmarks within a browser. CHI 2007: 337-346
3EECatherine Letondal, Wendy E. Mackay: Participatory programming and the scope of mutual responsibility: balancing scientific, design and software commitment. PDC 2004: 31-41
2EEWendy E. Mackay, Guillaume Pothier, Catherine Letondal, Kaare Bøegh, Hans Erik Sørensen: The missing link: augmenting biology laboratory notebooks. UIST 2002: 41-50
1 Catherine Letondal: A Web interface generator for molecular biology programs in Unix. Bioinformatics 17(1): 73-82 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Kaare Bøegh [2]
2Wendy E. Mackay [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Guillaume Pothier [2]
4Nicolas Roussel [4]
5Hans Erik Sørensen [2]
6Aurélien Tabard [4]
7Theophanis Tsandilas [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)