
Jacek Leszczynski

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10EEMariusz Ciesielski, Jacek Leszczynski: Numerical treatment of an initial-boundary value problem for fractional partial differential equations. Signal Processing 86(10): 2619-2631 (2006)
9EEJacek Leszczynski, Mariusz Ciesielski: Effective Algorithm for Detection of a Collision between Spherical Particles. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 348-355
8EEJacek Leszczynski: Computer Simulations of Multiparticle-Contacts Dynamics. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 105-114
7EEJacek Leszczynski: Simulations of Granular Cohesion Dynamics on Rough Surfaces of Contacting Particles. PPAM 2003: 706-713
6EERoman Wyrzykowski, Sebastian Pluta, Jacek Leszczynski: Object Oriented Implementation of Modelling Bi-phase Gas-Particle Flows. PPAM 2003: 738-745
5EEJacek Leszczynski, Sebastian Pluta: The efficient generation of unstructured control volumes in 2D and 3D CoRR cs.CG/0202038: (2002)
4EEJacek Leszczynski, Mariusz Ciesielski: A numerical method for solution of ordinary differential equations of fractional order CoRR math.NA/0202276: (2002)
3EEJacek Leszczynski: The calculation of a normal force between multiparticle contacts using fractional operators CoRR physics/0209085: (2002)
2EEJacek Leszczynski, Mariusz Ciesielski: A Numerical Method for Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations of Fractional Order. PPAM 2001: 695-702
1EEJacek Leszczynski, Sebastian Pluta: The Efficient Generation of Unstructured Control Volumes in 2D and 3D. PPAM 2001: 703-710

Coauthor Index

1Mariusz Ciesielski [2] [4] [9] [10]
2Sebastian Pluta [1] [5] [6]
3Roman Wyrzykowski [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)