
Mauri Leppänen

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8EEKatariina Valtonen, Ville Seppänen, Mauri Leppänen: Government Enterprise Architecture Grid Adaptation in Finland. HICSS 2009: 1-10
7EEMauri Leppänen: A Context-Based Enterprise Ontology. BIS 2007: 273-286
6 Mauri Leppänen: A Perspective Ontology and IS Perspectives. EJC 2007: 257-275
5EEMauri Leppänen: An Integrated Framework for Meta Modeling. ADBIS 2006: 141-154
4 Mauri Leppänen: Towards an Abstraction Ontology. EJC 2006: 166-185
3EEMauri Leppänen: Conceptual evaluation of methods for engineering situational ISD methods. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 11(5): 539-555 (2006)
2EEKimmo Kinnunen, Mauri Leppänen: O/A matrix and a technique for methodology engineering. Journal of Systems and Software 33(2): 141-152 (1996)
1EEEsa Auramäki, Mauri Leppänen, Vesa Savolainen: Universal Framework for Information Activities. DATA BASE 19(1): 11-20 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Esa Auramäki [1]
2Kimmo Kinnunen [2]
3Vesa Savolainen [1]
4Ville Seppänen [8]
5Katariina Valtonen [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)