
Ülo Lepik

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4EEÜlo Lepik: Solving integral and differential equations by the aid of non-uniform Haar wavelets. Applied Mathematics and Computation 198(1): 326-332 (2008)
3EEÜlo Lepik: Numerical solution of evolution equations by the Haar wavelet method. Applied Mathematics and Computation 185(1): 695-704 (2007)
2EEÜlo Lepik: Haar wavelet method for nonlinear integro-differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 176(1): 324-333 (2006)
1EEÜlo Lepik: Numerical solution of differential equations using Haar wavelets. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 68(2): 127-143 (2005)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)