
Helmut Leopold

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9EELinlin Xie, Paul Smith, David Hutchison, Mark Banfield, Helmut Leopold, Abdul Jabbar, James P. G. Sterbenz: From Detection to Remediation: A Self-Organized System for Addressing Flash Crowd Problems. ICC 2008: 5809-5814
8 Helmut Leopold, Narciso N. García: Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques - ECMAST'99, 4th European Conference, Madrid, Spain, May 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
7 Helmut Leopold: Broadband Access to the Internet - an Overview. HPN 1998: 3-23
6 Helmut Leopold, Richard Hirn: The Bookshop Project: An Austrian Interactive Multimedia Application Case Study. COST 237 Workshop 1996: 154-168
5 David Hutchison, André A. S. Danthine, Helmut Leopold, Geoff Coulson: Multimedia Transport and Teleservices, International COST 237 Workshop, Vienna, Austria, November 13-15, 1994, Proceedings Springer 1994
4 Helmut Leopold, Kwaku Frimpong-Ansah, Nikolaus Singer: From Broadband Network Services to a Distributed Multimedia Support-Environment. COST 237 Workshop 1994: 47-68
3 Helmut Leopold, Geoff Coulson, Kwaku Frimpong-Ansah, David Hutchison, Nikolaus Singer: The evolving relationship between OSI and ODP in the new communications environment. Broadband Islands 1993: 77-92
2 Andrew T. Campbell, Geoff Coulson, Francisco Garcia, David Hutchison, Helmut Leopold: Integrated Quality of Service for Multimedia Communications. INFOCOM 1993: 732-739
1 Helmut Leopold, Andrew T. Campbell, David Hutchison, Nikolaus Singer: Towards an Integrated Quality of Service Architecture (QOS-A) for Distributed Multimedia Communications. HPN 1992: 169-182

Coauthor Index

1Mark Banfield [9]
2Andrew T. Campbell [1] [2]
3Geoff Coulson (Geoffrey Coulson) [2] [3] [5]
4André A. S. Danthine [5]
5Kwaku Frimpong-Ansah [3] [4]
6Francisco Garcia [2]
7Narciso N. García [8]
8Richard Hirn [6]
9David Hutchison [1] [2] [3] [5] [9]
10Abdul Jabbar [9]
11Nikolaus Singer [1] [3] [4]
12Paul Smith [9]
13James P. G. Sterbenz [9]
14Linlin Xie [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)