
Herbert Leitold

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17 Herbert Leitold, Evangelos P. Markatos: Communications and Multimedia Security, 10th IFIP TC-6 TC-11 International Conference, CMS 2006, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 19-21, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
16EEThomas Rössler, Herbert Leitold, Reinhard Posch: E-Voting: A Scalable Approach using XML and Hardware Security Modules. EEE 2005: 480-485
15EEHerbert Leitold, Arno Hollosi, Reinhard Posch: Security Architecture of the Austrian Citizen Card Concept. ACSAC 2002: 391-402
14 Reinhard Posch, Herbert Leitold: Identification and Confidentiality for e-Government. Certification and Security in E-Services 2002: 267-279
13 Arno Hollosi, Herbert Leitold, Reinhard Posch: An open interface enabling secure e-government. Communications and Multimedia Security 2002: 255-266
12 Reinhard Posch, Herbert Leitold: Digitale Signaturen in der Praxis. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2001: 477-485
11EEHerbert Leitold, Wolfgang Mayerwieser, Udo Payer, Karl C. Posch, Reinhard Posch, Johannes Wolkerstorfer: A 155 Mbps Triple-DES Network Encryptor. CHES 2000: 164-174
10 Herbert Leitold, Wolfgang Mayerwieser, Udo Payer, Karl C. Posch, Reinhard Posch, Johannes Wolkerstorfer: Robustness-Agile Encryptor for ATM Networks. SEC 2000: 231-240
9 Herbert Leitold, Peter Lipp, Andreas Sterbenz: Independent Policy Oriented Layering of Security Services. SEC 2000: 89-98
8EEMaryline Laurent, Ahmed Bouabdallah, Christophe Delahaye, Herbert Leitold, Reinhard Posch, Enrique Areizaga, Juàn Manuel Mateos: Secure Communications in ATM Networks. ACSAC 1999: 84-
7 Herbert Leitold, Karl C. Posch, Reinhard Posch: ISDN Security services. Communications and Multimedia Security 1999: 21-35
6 Herbert Leitold, Reinhard Posch: ATM Network Security: Requirements, Approaches, Standards, and the SCAN Solution. SMARTNET 1999: 191-204
5 Herbert Leitold: A Survey of Research, Products, and Standards - Extended Abstract of the Mini-Tutorial. SMARTNET 1999: 35-44
4EEHerbert Leitold, Udo Payer, Reinhard Posch: A Hardware-Independent Encryption Model for ATM Devices. ACSAC 1998: 205-211
3 Reinhard Posch, Herbert Leitold, Franz Pucher: ISDN LAN Access: Remote Access Security and User Profile Management. Communications and Multimedia Security 1996: 222-233
2 Ilias Andrikopoulos, Tolga Örs, Maja Matijasevic, Herbert Leitold, Reinhard Posch: A study of TCP/IP throughout performance in heterogeneous ATM local area networks. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1996: 447-465
1EEFranz Pucher, Herbert Leitold, Reinhard Posch: LAN Access Over ISDN. J. UCS 2(1): 20-33 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Ilias Andrikopoulos [2]
2Enrique Areizaga [8]
3Ahmed Bouabdallah [8]
4Christophe Delahaye [8]
5Arno Hollosi [13] [15]
6Maryline Laurent [8]
7Peter Lipp [9]
8Evangelos P. Markatos [17]
9Juàn Manuel Mateos [8]
10Maja Matijasevic [2]
11Wolfgang Mayerwieser [10] [11]
12Tolga Örs [2]
13Udo Payer [4] [10] [11]
14Karl C. Posch [7] [10] [11]
15Reinhard Posch [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
16Franz Pucher [1] [3]
17Thomas Rössler [16]
18Andreas Sterbenz [9]
19Johannes Wolkerstorfer [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)