
Julius Leite

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4EERaphael Guerra, Julius Leite, Gerhard Fohler: Attaining soft real-time constraint and energy-efficiency in web servers. SAC 2008: 2085-2089
3EEAndré M. Barroso, Julius Leite, Orlando Loques: Treating uncertainty in distributed scheduling. Journal of Systems and Software 63(2): 129-136 (2002)
2EEOrlando Loques, Julius Leite, Marcelo Lobosco, Alexandre Sztajnberg: On the Integration of Configuration and Meta-level Programming Approaches. Reflection and Software Engineering 1999: 189-208
1EEEnrique Vinicio Carrera E., Orlando Loques, Julius Leite: Parallel Programming through Configurable Interconnectable Objects. HIPS 1997: 110-114

Coauthor Index

1André M. Barroso [3]
2Enrique Vinicio Carrera E. [1]
3Gerhard Fohler [4]
4Raphael Guerra [4]
5Marcelo Lobosco [2]
6Orlando Loques [1] [2] [3]
7Alexandre Sztajnberg [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)