
Chen Lei

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4EEChen Lei, Zhang Zhi Quan, Wen Zhi Ping: A novel BIST approach for testing input/output buffers in FPGAs. FPGA 2009: 285
3EEWen Ji, Yiqiang Chen, Chen Lei, Huiguo Zhang, Hui Wang, Yunbing Xing, Bo Tang: Module and Distortion Analysis for Video Decoding on Mobile Devices. ICN 2008: 681-685
2EEChen Lei, Yiqiang Chen, Wen Ji: A complexity scalable decoder in an AVS video codec. MoMM 2008: 35-39
1EEChen Lei, Liu Bin: A Workflow Model Supporting Dynamic BPR. GCC 2007: 721-724

Coauthor Index

1Liu Bin [1]
2Yiqiang Chen [2] [3]
3Wen Ji [2] [3]
4Wen Zhi Ping [4]
5Zhang Zhi Quan [4]
6Bo Tang [3]
7Hui Wang [3]
8Yunbing Xing [3]
9Huiguo Zhang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)