
Mikko Lehtokangas

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25EEJani J. T. Lahnajärvi, Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen: Estimating movements of a robotic manipulator by hybrid constructive neural networks. Neurocomputing 56: 345-363 (2004)
24EEArto Kantsila, Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen: Complex RPROP-algorithm for neural network equalization of GSM data bursts. Neurocomputing 61: 339-360 (2004)
23EEArto Kantsila, Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen: On radial basis function network equalization in the GSM system. ESANN 2003: 179-184
22 Eero Huupponen, Sari-Leena Himanen, Alpo Värri, Joel Hasan, Antti Saastamoinen, Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen: Fuzzy detection of EEG alpha without amplitude thresholding. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 24(2): 133-147 (2002)
21EEJani J. T. Lahnajärvi, Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen: Evaluation of constructive neural networks with cascaded architectures. Neurocomputing 48(1-4): 573-607 (2002)
20 Mikko Lehtokangas: Fast Learning Using Multilayer Perceptron Networks with Adaptive Centroid Layer. IJPRAI 14(2): 211-224 (2000)
19EEMikko Lehtokangas: Determining the number of centroids for CMLP network. Neural Networks 13(4-5): 525-531 (2000)
18EEMikko Lehtokangas: Modified constructive backpropagation for regression. Neurocomputing 35(1-4): 113-122 (2000)
17EEMikko Lehtokangas: Fast initialization for cascade-correlation learning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 10(2): 410-414 (1999)
16 Petri Salmela, Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen: Neural Network Based Digit Recognition System for Voice Dialling in Noisy Environments. Inf. Sci. 121(3-4): 171-199 (1999)
15EEMikko Lehtokangas: Feedforward Neural Network with Adaptive Reference Pattern Layer. Int. J. Neural Syst. 9(1): 1-9 (1999)
14EEMikko Lehtokangas: Modelling with constructive backpropagation. Neural Networks 12(4-5): 707-716 (1999)
13 Mikko Lehtokangas: Constructive Backpropagation for Recurrent Networks. Neural Processing Letters 9(3): 271-278 (1999)
12 Petri Salmela, Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen: Noisy Digit Recognition with MLP and HMMS Using Modified Cost Function in MCE Training. ICONIP 1998: 1118-1121
11 Mikko Lehtokangas: Fast Training with Maximum Covariance Initialized Centroid MLP. ICONIP 1998: 1385-1388
10 Mikko Lehtokangas: On Training of MLP with Adaptive Neuron Specific Preprocessing Units. ICONIP 1998: 1567-1570
9 Mikko Lehtokangas: Initialization of MLP with Adaptive Neuron Specific Preprocessing Units. ICONIP 1998: 1571-1574
8 Mikko Lehtokangas: Reference Pattern Weight Initialization for Equalization. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1998: 574-581
7 Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen: Centroid based Multilayer Perceptron Networks. Neural Processing Letters 7(2): 101-106 (1998)
6EEAntti Saastamoinen, Timo Pietilä, Alpo Värri, Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen: Waveform detection with RBF network - Application to automated EEG analysis. Neurocomputing 20(1-3): 1-13 (1998)
5EEMikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen: Weight initialization with reference patterns. Neurocomputing 20(1-3): 265-278 (1998)
4 Seppo Kuusisto, Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen, Kimmo Kaski: Short Term Electric Load Forecasting Using A Neural Network with Fuzzy Hidden Neurons. Neural Computing and Applications 6(1): 42-56 (1997)
3 Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen, Pentti Huuhtanen, Kimmo Kaski: Predictive minimum description length criterion for time series modeling with neural networks. Neural Computation 8(3): 583-593 (1996)
2EEMikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen, Kimmo Kaski: Accelerating training of radial basis function networks with Cascade-Correlation algorithm. Neurocomputing 9(2): 207-213 (1995)
1 Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen, Pentti Huuhtanen, Kimmo Kaski: Neural Network Optimization Tool Based on Predictive MDL Principle for Time Series Prediction. ICTAI 1993: 338-342

Coauthor Index

1Joel Hasan [22]
2Sari-Leena Himanen [22]
3Pentti Huuhtanen [1] [3]
4Eero Huupponen [22]
5Arto Kantsila [23] [24]
6Kimmo Kaski [1] [2] [3] [4]
7Seppo Kuusisto [4]
8Jani J. T. Lahnajärvi [21] [25]
9Timo Pietilä [6]
10Jukka Saarinen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [12] [16] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25]
11Antti Saastamoinen [6] [22]
12Petri Salmela [12] [16]
13Alpo Värri [6] [22]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)