2006 | ||
6 | EE | Vilém Novák, Stephan Lehmke: Logical structure of fuzzy IF-THEN rules. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(15): 2003-2029 (2006) |
5 | EE | Irina Perfilieva, Stephan Lehmke: Correct models of fuzzy IF-THEN rules are continuous. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(24): 3188-3197 (2006) |
2004 | ||
4 | EE | Martin Stepnicka, Stephan Lehmke: Approximation of Fuzzy Functions by Extended Fuzzy Transforms. Fuzzy Days 2004: 187-195 |
3 | EE | Irina Perfilieva, Stephan Lehmke: Safe Modelling of Fuzzy If-Then Rules. Fuzzy Days 2004: 231-236 |
2 | EE | Siegfried Gottwald, Stephan Lehmke: Obituary: Professor Dr. Helmut Thiele (1926-2003). Fuzzy Sets and Systems 141(2): (2004) |
1999 | ||
1 | Stephan Lehmke: Konstruktion von Fuzzy-Interferenzmechanismen aus Inferenzbausteinen unter Anwendung von Methoden der Schaltwerktheorie. GI Jahrestagung 1999: 322-329 |
1 | Siegfried Gottwald | [2] |
2 | Vilém Novák | [6] |
3 | Irina Perfilieva | [3] [5] |
4 | Martin Stepnicka | [4] |