
Matheus Lehmann

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2EEPatrícia Augustin Jaques, Matheus Lehmann, Sylvie Pesty: Evaluating the affective tactics of an emotional pedagogical agent. SAC 2009: 104-109
1EEMarinho P. Barcellos, Daniel Bauermann, Henrique Sant'anna, Matheus Lehmann, Rodrigo B. Mansilha: Protecting BitTorrent: Design and Evaluation of Effective Countermeasures against DoS Attacks. SRDS 2008: 73-82

Coauthor Index

1Marinho P. Barcellos (Antônio Marinho Pilla Barcellos) [1]
2Daniel Bauermann [1]
3Patrícia Augustin Jaques [2]
4Rodrigo B. Mansilha [1]
5Sylvie Pesty [2]
6Henrique Sant'anna [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)