
Alexandre Lefebvre

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12 Mourad Alia, Christine Collet, Alexandre Lefebvre: Takfa : A Component-Based Middleware Data Integration System. BDA 2004: 309-329
11EEMourad Alia, Sébastien Chassande-Barrioz, Pascal Dechamboux, Catherine Hamon, Alexandre Lefebvre: A Middleware Framework for the Persistence and Querying of Java Objects. ECOOP 2004: 291-315
10EEMourad Alia, Romain Lenglet, Thierry Coupaye, Alexandre Lefebvre: Querying Reflexive Component-Based Architectures. EUROMICRO 2004: 127-134
9EEMourad Alia, Alexandre Lefebvre, Christine Collet: SystAmes d'intégration des données Une approche à composants. L'OBJET 10(2-3): 117-130 (2004)
8EEOris Friesen, Alexandre Lefebvre, Laurent Vieille: VALIDITY: Applications of a DOOD System. EDBT 1996: 131-134
7 Alexandre Lefebvre: Towards an Efficient Evaluation of Recursive Aggregates in Deductive Databases. New Generation Comput. 12(2): 131-160 (1994)
6 Alexandre Lefebvre, Peter Bernus, Rodney W. Topor: Querying Heterogeneous Databases: A Case Study. Australian Database Conference 1993: 186-197
5 Oris Friesen, Gilles Gauthier-Villars, Alexandre Lefebvre, Laurent Vieille: Applications of Deductive Object-Oriented Databases Using DEL. Workshop on Programming with Logic Databases (Book), ILPS 1993: 1-22
4 Alexandre Lefebvre: Towards an Efficient Evaluation of Recursive Aggregates in Deductive Databases. FGCS 1992: 915-925
3 Laurent Vieille, Petra Bayer, Volker Küchenhoff, Alexandre Lefebvre, Rainer Manthey: The EKS-V1 System. LPAR 1992: 504-506
2 Alexandre Lefebvre, Peter Bernus, Rodney W. Topor: Query Transformation for Accessing Heterogeneous Databases. Workshop on Deductive Databases, JICSLP 1992: 31-40
1 Alexandre Lefebvre, Laurent Vieille: On Deductive Query Evaluation in the DedGin* System. DOOD 1989: 123-144

Coauthor Index

1Mourad Alia [9] [10] [11] [12]
2Petra Bayer [3]
3Peter Bernus [2] [6]
4Sébastien Chassande-Barrioz [11]
5Christine Collet [9] [12]
6Thierry Coupaye [10]
7Pascal Dechamboux [11]
8Oris Friesen [5] [8]
9Gilles Gauthier-Villars [5]
10Catherine Hamon [11]
11Volker Küchenhoff [3]
12Romain Lenglet [10]
13Rainer Manthey [3]
14Rodney W. Topor [2] [6]
15Laurent Vieille [1] [3] [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)