
Lawrence Leemis

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21EEA. Daniel Block, Lawrence Leemis: Parametric Model Discrimination for Heavily Censored Survival Data. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 57(2): 248-259 (2008)
20EEBarry Lawson, Lawrence Leemis: Simulation 101 software: workshop and beyond. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 233-236
19EEDiane L. Evans, Lawrence Leemis, John H. Drew: The Distribution of Order Statistics for Discrete Random Variables with Applications to Bootstrapping. INFORMS Journal on Computing 18(1): 19-30 (2006)
18EELawrence Leemis, Matthew J. Duggan, John H. Drew, Jeffrey A. Mallozzi, Kerry W. Connell: Algorithms to calculate the distribution of the longest path length of a stochastic activity network with continuous activity durations. Networks 48(3): 143-165 (2006)
17EEMatthew J. Duggan, John H. Drew, Lawrence Leemis: A test of randomness based on the distance between consecutive random number pairs. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 741-748
16EELawrence Leemis: Building Credible Input Models. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 29-40
15EEAndrew G. Glen, Lawrence Leemis, John H. Drew: Computing the distribution of the product of two continuous random variables. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 44(3): 451-464 (2004)
14EELawrence Leemis: Input modeling: input modeling. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 14-24
13EEMatthew Rosenshine, Russell R. Barton, David Goldsman, Lawrence Leemis, Barry L. Nelson: Panel discussion on using simulation to teach probability: words and deeds: panel: using simulation to teach probability, session 1: words, session 2: deeds. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 1815-1822
12EERussell R. Barton, Stephen E. Chick, Russell C. H. Cheng, Shane G. Henderson, Averill M. Law, Bruce W. Schmeiser, Lawrence Leemis, Lee Schruben, James R. Wilson: Panel discussion on current issues in input modeling: panel on current issues in simulation input modeling. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 353-369
11EELawrence Leemis: Computing the nonparametric estimator of the survivor function when all observations are either left- or right-censored with tied observation times. Computers & OR 29(5): 423-431 (2002)
10EELawrence Leemis: Input modeling: input modeling techniques for discrete-event simulations. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 62-73
9EELawrence Leemis: Input modeling. Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 17-25
8EEDiane L. Evans, Lawrence Leemis: Input modeling using a computer algebra system. Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 577-586
7EELawrence Leemis: Simulation input modeling. Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 14-23
6EELawrence Leemis: Input Modeling. Winter Simulation Conference 1998: 15-22
5EELawrence Leemis: Seven Habits of Highly Successful Input Modelers. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 39-46
4EEAndrew G. Glen, Lawrence Leemis, John H. Drew: A Generalized Univariate Change-of-Variable Transformation Technique. INFORMS Journal on Computing 9(3): 288-295 (1997)
3EELawrence Leemis: Discrete-Event Simulation Input Process Modeling. Winter Simulation Conference 1996: 39-46
2EELawrence Leemis: Input Modeling for Discrete-Event Simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 1995: 16-23
1EELawrence Leemis: Input modeling. Winter Simulation Conference 1994: 55-61

Coauthor Index

1Russell R. Barton [12] [13]
2A. Daniel Block [21]
3Russell C. H. Cheng [12]
4Stephen E. Chick [12]
5Kerry W. Connell [18]
6John H. Drew [4] [15] [17] [18] [19]
7Matthew J. Duggan [17] [18]
8Diane L. Evans [8] [19]
9Andrew G. Glen [4] [15]
10David Goldsman [13]
11Shane G. Henderson [12]
12Averill M. Law [12]
13Barry Lawson (Barry G. Lawson) [20]
14Jeffrey A. Mallozzi [18]
15Barry L. Nelson [13]
16Matthew Rosenshine [13]
17Bruce W. Schmeiser [12]
18Lee W. Schruben (Lee Schruben) [12]
19James R. Wilson [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)