
Zoonky Lee

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13EEOkkyung Choi, Heejai Choi, Zoonky Lee, Sangyong Han: Semantic Web Services Discovery System with QoS for Enhanced Web Services Quality. CDVE 2007: 149-156
12EEDongkyu Kim, Sang-goo Lee, Junho Shim, Jonghoon Chun, Zoonky Lee, Heungsun Park: Practical Ontology Systems for Enterprise Application. ASIAN 2005: 79-89
11 Dongkyu Kim, Sang-goo Lee, Jonghoon Chun, Zoonky Lee, Heungsun Park: A Practical Ontology for Product Information Management. iiWAS 2005: 217-222
10 Zoonky Lee, Younghwa Lee: Cultural Implications of Electronic Communication Usage: A Theory-Based Empirical Analysis. ICIS 2003: 630-641
9EEYounghwa Lee, Zoonky Lee, Kai R. T. Larsen: Coping with Internet channel conflict. Commun. ACM 46(7): 137-142 (2003)
8 Younghwa Lee, Jintae Lee, Zoonky Lee: Integrating Software Lifecycle Process Standards with Security Engineering. Computers & Security 21(4): 345-355 (2002)
7EEZoonky Lee, Yongbeom Kim, Sang-Gun Lee: The Influences of Media Choice on Help Desk Performance Perception. HICSS 2001
6 Younghwa Lee, Jintae Lee, Zoonky Lee: The Effect of Self Identity and Social Identity on Technology Acceptance. ICIS 2001: 481-490
5EESanjay Gosain, Zoonky Lee: The Internet and the Reshaping of the Music CD Market. Electronic Markets 11(2): (2001)
4EEZoonky Lee, Sanjay Gosain: Price Comparison for Music CDs in Electronic and Brick-and-Mortar Markets: Implications for Emergent Electronic Commerce. HICSS 2000
3EEZoonky Lee, Il Im, Sang Jun Lee: The effect of negative buyer feedback on prices in Internet auction markets. ICIS 2000: 286-287
2 Zoonky Lee, Jinyoul Lee, Tim Sieber: ERP-based knowledge transfer. IRMA Conference 2000: 865-867
1EESanjay Gosain, Zoonky Lee, Il Im: Topics of interest in IS: comparing academic journals with the practitioner press. ICIS 1997: 263-284

Coauthor Index

1Heejai Choi [13]
2Okkyung Choi [13]
3Jonghoon Chun [11] [12]
4Sanjay Gosain [1] [4] [5]
5Sang-Yong Han (Sangyong Han) [13]
6Il Im [1] [3]
7Dongkyu Kim [11] [12]
8Yongbeom Kim [7]
9Kai R. T. Larsen [9]
10Jintae Lee [6] [8]
11Jinyoul Lee [2]
12Sang Jun Lee [3]
13Sang-Gun Lee [7]
14Sang-goo Lee [11] [12]
15Younghwa Lee [6] [8] [9] [10]
16Heungsun Park [11] [12]
17Junho Shim [12]
18Tim Sieber [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)