
Zhenghong Lee

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5EEBaowei Fei, Zhenghong Lee, Daniel T. Boll, Jeffrey L. Duerk, Jonathan S. Lewin, David L. Wilson: Image Registration and Fusion for Interventional MRI Guided Thermal Ablation of the Prostate Cancer. MICCAI (2) 2003: 364-372
4EEBaowei Fei, Zhenghong Lee, Jeffrey L. Duerk, David L. Wilson: Image Registration for Interventional MRI Guided Procedures: Interpolation Methods, Similarity Measurements, and Applications to the Prostate. WBIR 2003: 321-329
3 Zhenghong Lee, Marc S. Berridge: PET Imaging-based Evaluation of Aerosol Drugs and Their Delivery Devices: Nasal and Pulmonary Studies. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(10): 1324-1331 (2002)
2EEZhenghong Lee: Thresholding implemented in the frequency domain. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(5): 708-714 (2001)
1EEZhenghong Lee, Pedro Diaz, Errol Bellon: Manipulation of Volume and Graphics Objects for the Visualization of Medical Data under OpenGL (tm). CBMS 1995: 89-93

Coauthor Index

1Errol Bellon [1]
2Marc S. Berridge [3]
3Daniel T. Boll [5]
4Pedro Diaz [1]
5Jeffrey L. Duerk [4] [5]
6Baowei Fei [4] [5]
7Jonathan S. Lewin [5]
8David L. Wilson [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)