
Yong-Gu Lee

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3EEYoungho Lee, Sejin Oh, Youngmin Park, Beom-Chan Lee, Jeung-Chul Park, Yoo Oh, Seokhee Lee, Han Oh, Jeha Ryu, Kwan-Heng Lee, Hong Kim, Yong-Gu Lee, JongWon Kim, Yo-Sung Ho, Woontack Woo: Responsive Multimedia System for Virtual Storytelling. PCM (1) 2005: 361-372
2EEYong-Gu Lee, Kevin W. Lyons: Smoothing haptic interaction using molecular force calculations. Computer-Aided Design 36(1): 75-90 (2004)
1EEYong-Gu Lee, Kunwoo Lee: Geometric detail suppression by the Fourier transform. Computer-Aided Design 30(9): 677-693 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Yo-Sung Ho [3]
2Hong Kim [3]
3JongWon Kim (Jongwon Kim) [3]
4Beom-Chan Lee [3]
5Kunwoo Lee [1]
6Kwan-Heng Lee [3]
7Seokhee Lee [3]
8Youngho Lee [3]
9Kevin W. Lyons [2]
10Han Oh [3]
11Sejin Oh [3]
12Yoo Oh [3]
13Jeung-Chul Park [3]
14Youngmin Park [3]
15Jeha Ryu [3]
16Woontack Woo [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)