
Yeung-hak Lee

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9EEYeung-hak Lee, David Marshall: Curvature based normalized 3D component facial image recognition using fuzzy integral. Applied Mathematics and Computation 205(2): 815-823 (2008)
8EEYeung-hak Lee, Chang-Wook Han: 3D Facial Recognition Using Eigenface and Cascade Fuzzy Neural Networks: Normalized Facial Image Approach. CSR 2006: 457-465
7EEYeung-hak Lee, Ik-Dong Kim, Jae-Chang Shim, David Marshall: 3D Facial Image Recognition Using a Nose Volume and Curvature Based Eigenface. GMP 2006: 616-622
6EEYeung-hak Lee, Chang-Wook Han, Tae-Sun Kim: Soft Computing Based Range Facial Recognition Using Eigenface. International Conference on Computational Science (4) 2006: 862-869
5EEIk-Dong Kim, Yeung-hak Lee, Jae-Chang Shim: An Automated Facial Pose Estimation Using Surface Curvature and Tetrahedral Structure of a Nose. ACIVS 2005: 276-283
4EEYeung-hak Lee, Ik-Dong Kim: Curvature Based Range Face Recognition Analysis Using Projection Vector by Subimage. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 1225-1228
3EEYeung-hak Lee: Depth Weighted Modified Hausdorff Distance for Range Face Recognition. CRV 2004: 252-258
2 Yeung-hak Lee, Jae-Chang Shim: Curvature based human face recognition using depth weighted hausdorff distance. ICIP 2004: 1429-1432
1EEYeung-hak Lee: 3D Face Recognition Using Longitudinal Section and Transection. DICTA 2003: 49-58

Coauthor Index

1Chang-Wook Han [6] [8]
2Ik-Dong Kim [4] [5] [7]
3Tae-Sun Kim [6]
4David Marshall [7] [9]
5Jae-Chang Shim [2] [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)