
Yeojin Lee

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6EEOkbin Lee, Yeojin Lee, Seongyeol Kim, Sangman Moh, Ilyong Chung: Application of load balancing based on symmetric balanced incomplete block design to random networks. Inf. Sci. 178(12): 2564-2572 (2008)
5 Okbin Lee, Yeojin Lee, Seongyeol Kim, Ilyong Chung: Application of SBIBD-based Load Balancing to Random Networks. PDPTA 2007: 523-527
4 Dongmin Choi, Yeojin Lee, Choongyong Cho, Okbin Lee, Yongkeun Bae, Ilyong Chung: A Secure Key Distribution Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Dynamic Clustering Algorithms. Security and Management 2007: 267-273
3EEYeojin Lee, Okbin Lee, WanKyoo Choi, Chunkyun Youn, Ilyong Chung: The Design of a Dynamic Efficient Load Balancing Algorithm on Distributed Networks. HPCC 2006: 81-90
2 Yeojin Lee, Taehoon Lee, Ilyong Chung: A Secure Mobile Agent System Based on Identity-Based Digital Signature Scheme. Security and Management 2003: 479-485
1EEIn-Ho Kang, Yeojin Lee, Gil-Chang Kim: Improving accuracy in Base Noun Phrase Identification with the variation of context length and position. NLPRS 2001: 519-524

Coauthor Index

1Yongkeun Bae [4]
2Choongyong Cho [4]
3Dongmin Choi [4]
4WanKyoo Choi [3]
5Ilyong Chung [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6In-Ho Kang [1]
7Gil-Chang Kim [1]
8Seongyeol Kim [5] [6]
9Okbin Lee [3] [4] [5] [6]
10Taehoon Lee [2]
11Sangman Moh [6]
12Chunkyun Youn [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)