
Yangsun Lee

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4EEYangsun Lee, Heau-Jo Kang, Yoon Ho Kim: Copyright Authentication Enhancement of Digital Watermarking Based on Intelligent Human Visual System Scheme. KES (2) 2005: 567-572
3EEYoungwan Cho, Yangsun Lee, Kwangyup Lee, Euntai Kim: A Lyapunov Function Based Direct Model Reference Adaptive Fuzzy Control. KES 2004: 202-210
2EEYangsun Lee, Seungwon Na: Java Bytecode-to-.NET MSIL Translator for Construction of Platform Independent Information Systems. KES 2004: 826-832
1EESeunghyun Oh, Yangsun Lee: The Bitmap Trie for Fast Prefix Lookup. Human.Society@Internet 2003 2003: 566-575

Coauthor Index

1Youngwan Cho [3]
2Heau-Jo Kang [4]
3Euntai Kim [3]
4Yoon Ho Kim [4]
5Kwangyup Lee [3]
6Seungwon Na [2]
7Seunghyun Oh [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)