2004 |
10 | EE | Hyun-Chul Kim,
Daijin Kim,
Sung Yang Bang,
Sang-Youn Lee:
Face recognition using the second-order mixture-of-eigenfaces method.
Pattern Recognition 37(2): 337-349 (2004) |
2003 |
9 | EE | Hyung-Soo Lee,
Daijin Kim,
Sang-Youn Lee:
Robust Face-Tracking Using Skin Color and Facial Shape.
AVBPA 2003: 302-309 |
8 | EE | Eunok Cho,
Daijin Kim,
Sang-Youn Lee:
Posed Face Image Synthesis Using Nonlinear Manifold Learning.
AVBPA 2003: 946-954 |
7 | EE | Sang-Youn Lee,
Hyun-Chul Kim,
Daijin Kim,
YoungSik Choi:
Face Retrieval Using 1st- and 2nd-order PCA Mixture Model.
ICCSA (2) 2003: 391-400 |
6 | EE | Sang-Youn Lee:
High Quality VoD Service Architecture on Broadband Internet.
ICCSA (2) 2003: 419-426 |
5 | EE | YoungSik Choi,
Sang-Youn Lee:
Scalable Keyframe Extraction Using One-Class Support Vector Machine.
International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 491-499 |
4 | EE | Min-Sub Kim,
Daijin Kim,
Sang-Youn Lee:
Face recognition using the embedded HMM with second-order block-specific observations.
Pattern Recognition 36(11): 2723-2735 (2003) |
2002 |
3 | EE | YoungSik Choi,
Sun Jeong Kim,
Sang-Youn Lee:
Hierarchical Shot Clustering for Video Summarization.
International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2002: 1100-1107 |
2 | EE | Daijin Kim,
YoungSik Choi,
Sang-Youn Lee:
An accurate COG defuzzifier design using Lamarckian co-adaptation of learning and evolution.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 130(2): 207-225 (2002) |
2001 |
1 | | Unil Yun,
SunJung Kim,
SangYoung Seo,
Sang-Youn Lee,
YoungSik Choi:
Multimedia Retrieval Service In Hanmir.
WebNet 2001: 1367-1372 |