
PeiZong Lee

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14EEChih-Hsueh Yang, PeiZong Lee, Yeh-Ching Chung: Improving Static Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Computing Systems. ICPP 2007: 45
13EEPeiZong Lee, Jan-Jan Wu, Chih-Hao Chang: Partitioning Unstructured Meshes for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Environments. ICPP 2002: 315-322
12EEPeiZong Lee, Zvi M. Kedem: Automatic data and computation decomposition on distributed memory parallel computers. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 24(1): 1-50 (2002)
11 PeiZong Lee, Wen-Yao Chen: Generating communication sets of array assignment statements for block-cyclic distribution on distributed memory parallel computers. Parallel Computing 28(9): 1329-1368 (2002)
10EEPeiZong Lee: Efficient Algorithms for Data Distribution on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 8(8): 825-839 (1997)
9EEPeiZong Lee, Wen-Yao Chen: Compiler Techniques for Determining Data Distribution and Generating Communication Sets on Distributed-Memory Multicomputers. HICSS (1) 1996: 537-546
8EEPeiZong Lee, Fang-Yu Huang, Chorng-Yuan Huang, Hwann-Tzong Chen: Efficient implementations of two variant subset sum problems: a case study of how to process appraisal books resulting from fire-destroyed money. SAC 1996: 230-237
7 PeiZong Lee: Techniques for Compiling Programs on Distributed Memory Multicomputers. Parallel Computing 21(12): 1895-1923 (1995)
6 PeiZong Lee, Tzung-Bow Tsai: Compiling Efficient Programs for Tightly-Coupled Distributed Memory Computers. ICPP 1993: 161-165
5EEPeiZong Lee, Zvi M. Kedem: Mapping Nested Loop Algorithms into Multidimensional Systolic Arrays. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 1(1): 64-76 (1990)
4 PeiZong Lee, Zvi M. Kedem: Mapping Nested Loop Algorithms into Multi-Dimensional Systolic Arrays. ICPP (3) 1989: 206-210
3 PeiZong Lee, Albert Yang, Kee Yip, Jeffrey Wu: SYSDES: A Systolic Array Automation Design System. PPSC 1989: 375-384
2EEPeiZong Lee, Zvi M. Kedem: On high-speed computing with a programmable linear array. SC 1988: 425-432
1 PeiZong Lee, Zvi M. Kedem: Synthesizing Linear Array Algorithms from Nested For Loop Algorithms. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(12): 1578-1598 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Chih-Hao Chang [13]
2Hwann-Tzong Chen [8]
3Wen-Yao Chen [9] [11]
4Yeh-Ching Chung [14]
5Chorng-Yuan Huang [8]
6Fang-Yu Huang [8]
7Zvi M. Kedem [1] [2] [4] [5] [12]
8Tzung-Bow Tsai [6]
9Jan-Jan Wu [13]
10Jeffrey Wu [3]
11Albert Yang [3]
12Chih-Hsueh Yang [14]
13Kee Yip [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)