
Ming-Che Lee

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9EEMing-Che Lee, Kun Hua Tsai, Tung Cheng Hsieh, Ti Kai Chiu, Tzone I. Wang: An Ontological Approach for Semantic Learning Objects Interoperability. ICALT 2007: 222-226
8EEKun Hua Tsai, Tung Cheng Hsieh, Ti Kai Chiu, Ming-Che Lee, Tzone I. Wang: Automated Course Composition and Recommendation based on a Learner Intention. ICALT 2007: 274-278
7EEMing-Che Lee, Kun Hua Tsai, Tzone I. Wang: An Ontological Approach for Semantic-Aware Learning Object Retrieval. ICALT 2006: 208-210
6EEKun Hua Tsai, Ti Kai Chiu, Ming-Che Lee, Tzone I. Wang: A Learning Objects Recommendation Model based on the Preference and Ontological Approaches. ICALT 2006: 36-40
5EEMing-Che Lee, Kun Hua Tsai, Ding Yen Ye, Tzone I. Wang: A Service-Based Framework for Personalized Learning Objects Retrieval and Recommendation. ICWL 2006: 336-351
4EEMing-Che Lee, Ding Yen Ye, Tzone I. Wang: Java Learning Object Ontology. ICALT 2005: 538-542
3EETzone I. Wang, Kun Hua Tsai, Ming-Che Lee: A Two-Layer Cryptographic Scheme for an e-Service Framework Based on Mobile Agents. EEE 2004: 98-105
2EEDing Yen Ye, Ming-Che Lee, Tzone I. Wang: Mobile Agents for Distributed Transactions of a Distributed Heterogeneous Database System. DEXA 2002: 403-412
1 Tzone I. Wang, Ming-Che Lee, Ding Yen Ye: A Secured Service Framework for Mobile Agent based Distributed Systems. IASTED PDCS 2002: 278-283

Coauthor Index

1Ti Kai Chiu [6] [8] [9]
2Tung Cheng Hsieh [8] [9]
3Kun Hua Tsai [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Tzone I. Wang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
5Ding Yen Ye [1] [2] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)