
Jysoo Lee

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6EEJooneun An, Sunil Ahn, Sungho Kim, Jysoo Lee: The design of the application and service platform for grid pilot services. Computer Physics Communications 177(1-2): 214 (2007)
5EEHyunjoon Jung, Hyuck Han, Heon Young Yeom, Hee-Jae Park, Jysoo Lee: COEDIG: Collaborative Editor in Grid Computing. APWeb 2006: 1155-1158
4EEHyuck Han, Hyungsoo Jung, Heon Young Yeom, Hee S. Kweon, Jysoo Lee: HVEM Grid: Experiences in Constructing an Electron Microscopy Grid. APWeb 2006: 1159-1162
3EEJysoo Lee: Cyber-Infrastructure in Korea - A Status Report. CCGRID 2006: 5
2EEIm Young Jung, In Soon Cho, Heon Young Yeom, Hee S. Kweon, Jysoo Lee: HVEM DataGrid: Implementation of a Biologic Data Management System for Experiments with High Voltage Electron Microscope. GCCB 2006: 175-190
1EEJongbae Moon, Sangkeon Lee, Jaeyoung Choi, Myungho Kim, Jysoo Lee: Design and Implementation of a Resource Management System Using On-Demand Software Streaming on Distributed Computing Environment. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2006: 1059-1062

Coauthor Index

1Sunil Ahn [6]
2Jooneun An [6]
3In Soon Cho [2]
4Jaeyoung Choi [1]
5Hyuck Han [4] [5]
6Hyungsoo Jung [4]
7Hyunjoon Jung [5]
8Im Young Jung [2]
9Myungho Kim [1]
10Sungho Kim [6]
11Hee S. Kweon [2] [4]
12Sangkeon Lee [1]
13Jongbae Moon [1]
14Hee-Jae Park [5]
15Heon Young Yeom [2] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)