
Joong-Jae Lee

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7EEYoon-Hyung Lee, Mun-Ho Jeong, Joong-Jae Lee, Bum-Jae You: Robust Face Tracking Using Bilateral Filtering. ICIC (1) 2008: 1181-1189
6EEJoong-Jae Lee, Gye-Young Kim: Robust Estimation of Camera Homography Using Fuzzy RANSAC. ICCSA (1) 2007: 992-1002
5 Gye-Young Kim, SeokHyun Jeong, Joong-Jae Lee: Moving Object Tracking using an Active Fusion Model with Robustness against Partial Occlusions. CISST 2005: 126-134
4EESung-Ho Park, Jeong-Hee Cha, Joong-Jae Lee, Gye-Young Kim: Flexible Background-Texture Analysis for Coronary Artery Extraction Based on Digital Subtraction Angiography. ICCSA (1) 2005: 11-18
3EEJoong-Jae Lee, Won Kim, Na-Young Lee, Gye-Young Kim: A New Incremental Watermarking Based on Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform. The Journal of Supercomputing 33(1-2): 133-140 (2005)
2EEJoong-Jae Lee, Won Kim, Jeong-Hee Cha, Gye-Young Kim, Hyung-Il Choi: A New Recurrent Fuzzy Associative Memory for Recognizing Time-Series Patterns Contained Ambiguity. ICCSA (1) 2004: 17-24
1EEJoong-Jae Lee, Gye-Young Kim, Hyung-Il Choi: An Image Registration Algorithm Based on Cylindrical Prototype Model. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2001: 37-43

Coauthor Index

1Jeong-Hee Cha [2] [4]
2Hyung-Il Choi [1] [2]
3Mun-Ho Jeong [7]
4SeokHyun Jeong [5]
5Gye-Young Kim [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Won Kim [2] [3]
7Na-Young Lee [3]
8Yoon-Hyung Lee [7]
9Sung-Ho Park [4]
10Bum-Jae You [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)