
Jaemok Lee

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4EESungHyun Hong, Jin-Chul Kim, Soo-Mook Moon, Jin Woo Shin, Jaemok Lee, Hyeong-Seok Oh, Hyung-Kyu Choi: Client ahead-of-time compiler for embedded Java platforms. Softw., Pract. Exper. 39(3): 259-278 (2009)
3EESungHyun Hong, Jin-Chul Kim, Jin Woo Shin, Soo-Mook Moon, Hyeong-Seok Oh, Jaemok Lee, Hyung-Kyu Choi: Java client ahead-of-time compiler for embedded systems. LCTES 2007: 63-72
2EEDong-Heon Jung, Sung-Hwan Bae, Jaemok Lee, Soo-Mook Moon, Jong Kuk Park: Supporting precise garbage collection in Java Bytecode-to-C ahead-of-time compiler for embedded systems. CASES 2006: 35-42
1EEDong-Heon Jung, Jong Kuk Park, Sung-Hwan Bae, Jaemok Lee, Soo-Mook Moon: Efficient exception handling in Java bytecode-to-c ahead-of-time compiler for smbedded systems. EMSOFT 2006: 188-194

Coauthor Index

1Sung-Hwan Bae [1] [2]
2Hyung-Kyu Choi [3] [4]
3SungHyun Hong [3] [4]
4Dong-Heon Jung [1] [2]
5Jin-Chul Kim [3] [4]
6Soo-Mook Moon [1] [2] [3] [4]
7Hyeong-Seok Oh [3] [4]
8Jong Kuk Park [1] [2]
9Jin Woo Shin [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)