
Jae Hwan Lee

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2EEYoungkyu Choi, Jeongyeup Paek, Sunghyun Choi, Go Woon Lee, Jae Hwan Lee, Hanwook Jung: Enhancement of a WLAN-based internet service in Korea. WMASH 2003: 36-45
1 Heesop Kim, Daesik Jang, Gi Chai Hong, Jong Cheol Song, Seong Yong Lee, Hyun Soo Chung, Jae Hwan Lee, Byung Ju Moon: EXIMA™ Supply at INEX 2002: Using an Object-relational DBMS for XML Retrieval. INEX Workshop 2002: 170-177

Coauthor Index

1Sunghyun Choi [2]
2Youngkyu Choi [2]
3Hyun Soo Chung [1]
4Gi Chai Hong [1]
5Daesik Jang [1]
6Hanwook Jung [2]
7Heesop Kim [1]
8Go Woon Lee [2]
9Seong Yong Lee [1]
10Byung Ju Moon [1]
11Jeongyeup Paek [2]
12Jong Cheol Song [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)