
Herbert K. H. Lee

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5EERobert B. Gramacy, Herbert K. H. Lee: Gaussian processes and limiting linear models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 53(1): 123-136 (2008)
4EERobert B. Gramacy, Herbert K. H. Lee, William G. Macready: Parameter space exploration with Gaussian process trees. ICML 2004
3EEHerbert K. H. Lee, Merlise A. Clyde: Lossless Online Bayesian Bagging. Journal of Machine Learning Research 5: 143-151 (2004)
2 Herbert K. H. Lee: A Noninformative Prior for Neural Networks. Machine Learning 50(1-2): 197-212 (2003)
1EEHerbert K. H. Lee: Consistency of posterior distributions for neural networks. Neural Networks 13(6): 629-642 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Merlise A. Clyde [3]
2Robert B. Gramacy [4] [5]
3William G. Macready [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)