
Hankyu Lee

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2EEJeongyeon Lim, Munjo Kim, Bumshik Lee, Munchurl Kim, Heekyung Lee, Hankyu Lee: A target advertisement system based on TV viewer's profile reasoning. Multimedia Tools Appl. 36(1-2): 11-35 (2008)
1EEAgus Syawal Yudhistira, Munchurl Kim, Hieyong Kim, Hankyu Lee: An Automatic Personal TV Scheduler Based on HMM for Intelligent Broadcasting Services. PSIVT 2006: 1123-1132

Coauthor Index

1Hieyong Kim [1]
2Munchurl Kim [1] [2]
3Munjo Kim [2]
4Bumshik Lee [2]
5Heekyung Lee [2]
6Jeongyeon Lim [2]
7Agus Syawal Yudhistira [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)