
Gang-Soo Lee

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9EEYoung-Soo Kim, Kab-Seung Kou, Gang-Soo Lee: Intrusion Tolerance Model for Electronic Commerce System. FGCN (1) 2007: 74-79
8EEYoung-Soo Kim, Sung-Ja Choi, Gang-Soo Lee, Geuk Lee: Entity Based Message Authentication System. KES-AMSTA 2007: 948-955
7EESang-soo Choi, So-yeon Kim, Gang-Soo Lee: Enhanced Misuse Case Model: A Security Requirement Analysis and Specification Model. ICCSA (5) 2006: 618-625
6EESung-Ja Choi, Yeon-hee Kang, Gang-Soo Lee: A Security Evaluation and Testing Methodology for Open Source Software Embedded Information Security System. ICCSA (2) 2005: 215-224
5EESang-soo Choi, Soo-young Chae, Gang-Soo Lee: SRS-Tool: A Security Functional Requirement Specification Development Tool for Application Information System of Organization. ICCSA (2) 2005: 458-467
4EEYoung-Hwan Bang, Yoon-Jung Jung, In-Jung Kim, Namhoon Lee, Gang-Soo Lee: The Design and Development for Risk Analysis Automatic Tool. ICCSA (1) 2004: 491-499
3EEYoung-whan Bang, Yeun-hee Kang, Gang-Soo Lee: CC-SEMS: A CC Based Information System Security Evaluation Management System. PARA 2004: 964-973
2EEShin-Young Lim, Jeong-Ho Ko, Eun-Ah Jun, Gang-Soo Lee: Specification and analysis of n-way key recovery system by Extended Cryptographic Timed Petri Net. Journal of Systems and Software 58(2): 93-106 (2001)
1EEGang-Soo Lee, Tadao Murata: A ß-distributed stochastic petri net model for software project time/cost management. Journal of Systems and Software 26(2): 149-165 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Young-Hwan Bang [4]
2Young-whan Bang [3]
3Soo-young Chae [5]
4Sang-soo Choi [5] [7]
5Sung-Ja Choi [6] [8]
6Eun-Ah Jun [2]
7Yoon-Jung Jung [4]
8Yeon-hee Kang [6]
9Yeun-hee Kang [3]
10In-Jung Kim [4]
11So-yeon Kim [7]
12Young-Soo Kim [8] [9]
13Jeong-Ho Ko [2]
14Kab-Seung Kou [9]
15Geuk Lee [8]
16Namhoon Lee [4]
17Shin-Young Lim [2]
18Tadao Murata [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)