
Donghwan Lee

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5EEDonghwan Lee, Jin-Ghoo Choi, Changhee Joo, Saewoong Bahk: Hierarchical Markov chain analysis of an adaptive bandwidth reservation algorithm in wireless communication systems. Perform. Eval. 65(8): 573-585 (2008)
4EEDonghwan Lee, Wonjun Lee, Joongheon Kim: Genetic Algorithmic Topology Control for Two-Tiered Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Computational Science (4) 2007: 385-392
3EEDonghwan Lee, Kyungkyu Kim, Wonjun Lee: Q+-Algorithm : An Enhanced RFID Tag Collision Arbitration Algorithm. UIC 2007: 23-32
2EEWonjun Lee, Eunkyo Kim, Jieun Yu, Donghwan Lee, Jihoon Choi, Joongheon Kim, Christian K. Shin: UbiComm: An Adaptive Vertical Handoff Decision Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. UCS 2006: 344-356
1EEJoonhwan Kim, Donghwan Lee, Saewoong Bahk: Performance analysis of alternate routing with trunk reservation in multirate switched networks. Computer Communications 25(17): 1665-1672 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Saewoong Bahk [1] [5]
2Jihoon Choi [2]
3Jin-Ghoo Choi [5]
4Changhee Joo [5]
5Eunkyo Kim [2]
6Joongheon Kim [2] [4]
7Joonhwan Kim [1]
8Kyungkyu Kim [3]
9Wonjun Lee [2] [3] [4]
10Christian K. Shin [2]
11Jieun Yu [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)