
Chang-Hsing Lee

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12EEChang-Hsing Lee, Cheng-Chang Lien, Jau-Ling Shih, Ping-Yu Lin: A Fast Macroblock Mode Decision Algorithm for the Baseline Profile in the H.264 Video Coding Standard. PSIVT 2009: 784-795
11EEChang-Hsing Lee, Chin-Chuan Han, Ching-Chien Chuang: Automatic Classification of Bird Species From Their Sounds Using Two-Dimensional Cepstral Coefficients. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 16(8): 1541-1550 (2008)
10EEChang-Hsing Lee, Jau-Ling Shih, Kun-Ming Yu, Jung-Mau Su: Automatic Music Genre Classification using Modulation Spectral Contrast Feature. ICME 2007: 204-207
9EEChang-Hsing Lee: A Fast Encoding Algorithm for Vector Quantization Using Difference Pyramid Structure. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(12): 2245-2248 (2007)
8EECheng-Chang Lien, Chiu-Lung Chiang, Chang-Hsing Lee: Scene-based event detection for baseball videos. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 18(1): 1-14 (2007)
7EEJau-Ling Shih, Chang-Hsing Lee, Jian Tang Wang: A new 3D model retrieval approach based on the elevation descriptor. Pattern Recognition 40(1): 283-295 (2007)
6EEChin-Chuan Han, Chang-Hsing Lee, Wen-Li Peng: Hand radiograph image segmentation using a coarse-to-fine strategy. Pattern Recognition 40(11): 2994-3004 (2007)
5EEJau-Ling Shih, Chang-Hsing Lee, Chang-Shen Yang: An adult image identification system employing image retrieval technique. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(16): 2367-2374 (2007)
4 Chang-Hsing Lee, Cheng-Chang Lien, Ren-Zhuang Huang: Automatic Recognition of Birdsongs Using Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients and Vector Quantization. IMECS 2006: 331-335
3 Jau-Ling Shih, Chang-Hsing Lee, Yen-Yi Chiang: An MPEG-4 Texture Coding Approach Using Refined Boundary Block Merging and Adaptive SA-DCT. IMECS 2006: 578-583
2EEChang-Hsing Lee, Chih-Hsun Chou, Chin-Chuan Han, Ren-Zhuang Huang: Automatic recognition of animal vocalizations using averaged MFCC and linear discriminant analysis. Pattern Recognition Letters 27(2): 93-101 (2006)
1EEChang-Hsing Lee, Ling-Hwei Chen: A fast motion estimation algorithm based on the block sum pyramid. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(11): 1587-1591 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Ling-Hwei Chen [1]
2Chiu-Lung Chiang [8]
3Yen-Yi Chiang [3]
4Chih-Hsun Chou [2]
5Ching-Chien Chuang [11]
6Chin-Chuan Han [2] [6] [11]
7Ren-Zhuang Huang [2] [4]
8Cheng-Chang Lien [4] [8] [12]
9Ping-Yu Lin [12]
10Wen-Li Peng [6]
11Jau-Ling Shih [3] [5] [7] [10] [12]
12Jung-Mau Su [10]
13Jian Tang Wang [7]
14Chang-Shen Yang [5]
15Kun-Ming Yu [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)