
Chae Y. Lee

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15EEChae Y. Lee, Hee K. Cho: Discrete bandwidth allocation considering fairness and transmission load in multicast networks. Computers & OR 34(3): 884-899 (2007)
14EEChae Y. Lee, Ho Dong Kim: Reliable overlay multicast trees for private Internet broadcasting with multiple sessions. Computers & OR 34(9): 2849-2864 (2007)
13EEHee K. Cho, Chae Y. Lee: Multicast tree rearrangement to recover node failures in overlay multicast networks. Computers & OR 33: 581-594 (2006)
12EEKi Won Sung, Chae Y. Lee: Determination of the multi-slot transmission in Bluetooth systems with the estimation of the channel error probability. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 6: 61-68 (2006)
11EEChae Y. Lee, Jun Jo: Service specific call admission control in WCDMA system. VTC Fall (2) 2004: 1033-1037
10EEChae Y. Lee, Young P. Moon, Young Joo Cho: A lexicographically fair allocation of discrete bandwidth for multirate multicast traffics. Computers & OR 31(14): 2349-2363 (2004)
9EEChae Y. Lee, Hee K. Cho: Multiple multicast tree allocation in IP network. Computers & OR 31(7): 1115-1133 (2004)
8EEChae Y. Lee, Ki Won Sung: Dynamic resource allocation for CDMA-TDD indoor wireless systems. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(7): 921-931 (2003)
7EEChae Y. Lee, Hee K. Cho: Port partitioning and dynamic queueing for IP forwarding. Computers & OR 29(9): 1157-1172 (2002)
6 Chae Y. Lee, Seon G. Chang: Determination of the Registration Point for Location Update by Dynamic Programming in PCS. Wireless Networks 7(4): 331-341 (2001)
5 Chae Y. Lee, Seok J. Kim, Taehoon Park: A design of multi-layered location registration areas in microcellular systems. Telecommunication Systems 14(1-4): 107-120 (2000)
4 Chae Y. Lee, Hee M. Eun, Seok Joo Koh: Dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme for multiple real-time VBR videos over ATM networks. Telecommunication Systems 15(3-4): 359-380 (2000)
3EEChae Y. Lee, Seok Joo Koh: A design of self-healing ATM networks based on backup virtual paths. Computers & OR 25(7-8): 595-609 (1998)
2EEChae Y. Lee, Seon G. Chang: Balancing loads on sonet rings with integer demand splitting. Computers & OR 24(3): 221-229 (1997)
1EEChae Y. Lee, Seok Joo Koh: A design of the minimum cost ring-chain network with dual-homing survivability: A tabu search approach. Computers & OR 24(9): 883-897 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Seon G. Chang [2] [6]
2Hee K. Cho [7] [9] [13] [15]
3Young Joo Cho [10]
4Hee M. Eun [4]
5Jun Jo [11]
6Ho Dong Kim [14]
7Seok J. Kim [5]
8Seok Joo Koh [1] [3] [4]
9Young P. Moon [10]
10Taehoon Park [5]
11Ki Won Sung [8] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)