
Anne Y. Lee

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4EEJack Kozik, Anne Y. Lee: Overview. Bell Labs Technical Journal 10(4): 1-5 (2006)
3EEDupyo Choi, Christine Fischer, Anne Y. Lee, E-Ling Lou, Chung-Zin Liu, Hsien-Chuen Yu: Transition to IPv6 and support for IPv4/IPv6 interoperability in IMS. Bell Labs Technical Journal 10(4): 261-270 (2006)
2EELynell E. Cannell, Michel L. F. Grech, Anne Y. Lee, Musa R. Unmehopa: Service control for next-generation applications in wireless IP multimedia networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 8(1): 27-42 (2003)
1EEJohn G. Adamek, Eric H. Henrikson, Harold A. Lassers, Anne Y. Lee, Ronald B. Martin: Services and technical considerations for the wireless IP multimedia subsystem. Bell Labs Technical Journal 7(2): 91-104 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1John G. Adamek [1]
2Lynell E. Cannell [2]
3Dupyo Choi [3]
4Christine Fischer [3]
5Michel L. F. Grech [2]
6Eric H. Henrikson [1]
7Jack Kozik [4]
8Harold A. Lassers [1]
9Chung-Zin Liu [3]
10E-Ling Lou [3]
11Ronald B. Martin [1]
12Musa R. Unmehopa [2]
13Hsien-Chuen Yu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)