
William Leal

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9EESandip Bapat, William Leal, Taewoo Kwon, Pihui Wei, Anish Arora: Chowkidar: Reliable and scalable health monitoring for wireless sensor network testbeds. TAAS 4(1): (2009)
8 Frank Drews, William Leal, Pradeep Srinivasan: Enabling Uniform CPU Allocation in the Presence of System Dynamics: Implementation and Experimental Evaluation. ESA 2008: 246-252
7EEZhenyu Tan, William Leal, Lonnie R. Welch: Verification of instrumentation techniques for resource management of real-time systems. Journal of Systems and Software 80(7): 1015-1022 (2007)
6EEWilliam Leal, Sandip Bapat, Taewoo Kwon, Pihui Wei, Anish Arora: Stabilizing Health Monitoring for Wireless Sensor Networks. SSS 2006: 395-410
5EEAnish Arora, Emre Ertin, Rajiv Ramnath, Mikhail Nesterenko, William Leal: Kansei: A High-Fidelity Sensing Testbed. IEEE Internet Computing 10(2): 35-47 (2006)
4 Zhenyu Tan, Lonnie R. Welch, William Leal, Michael W. Masters: Toward System Certification of Real-Time Resource Management Middleware. ESA 2005: 3-9
3EEWilliam Leal, Anish Arora: Scalable Self-Stabilization via Composition. ICDCS 2004: 12-21
2EEJason O. Hallstrom, Nigamanth Sridhar, Paolo A. G. Sivilotti, Anish Arora, William Leal: A Container-Based Approach to Object-Oriented Product Lines. Journal of Object Technology 3(4): 161-175 (2004)
1EEWilliam Leal, Anish Arora: State-level and value-level simulations in data refinement. Inf. Process. Lett. 77(2-4): 159-167 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Anish Arora [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [9]
2Sandip Bapat [6] [9]
3Frank Drews [8]
4Emre Ertin [5]
5Jason O. Hallstrom [2]
6Taewoo Kwon [6] [9]
7Michael W. Masters [4]
8Mikhail Nesterenko [5]
9Rajiv Ramnath [5]
10Paolo A. G. Sivilotti [2]
11Nigamanth Sridhar [2]
12Pradeep Srinivasan [8]
13Zhenyu Tan [4] [7]
14Pihui Wei [6] [9]
15Lonnie R. Welch [4] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)