
Andrew R. Leach

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16EEAndrew R. Leach: Regulation by reputation. Computers & OR 33: 409-425 (2006)
15EEYogendra Patel, Valerie J. Gillet, Gianpaolo Bravi, Andrew R. Leach: A comparison of the pharmacophore identification programs: Catalyst, DISCO and GASP. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 16(8-9): 653-681 (2002)
14EEMichael M. Hann, Andrew R. Leach, Gavin Harper: Molecular Complexity and Its Impact on the Probability of Finding Leads for Drug Discovery. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 41(3): 856-864 (2001)
13EEGavin Harper, John Bradshaw, John C. Gittins, Darren V. S. Green, Andrew R. Leach: Prediction of Biological Activity for High-Throughput Screening Using Binary Kernel Discrimination. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 41(5): 1295-1300 (2001)
12EEAndrew R. Leach, Darren V. S. Green, Michael M. Hann, Duncan B. Judd, Andrew C. Good: Where Are the GaPs? A Rational Approach to Monomer Acquisition and Selection. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 40(5): 1262-1269 (2000)
11EEGianpaolo Bravi, Darren V. S. Green, Michael M. Hann, Andrew R. Leach: PLUMS: a Program for the Rapid Optimization of Focused Libraries. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 40(6): 1441-1448 (2000)
10EEAndrew R. Leach, John Bradshaw, Darren V. S. Green, Michael M. Hann, John J. Delany III: Implementation of a System for Reagent Selection and Library Enumeration, Profiling, and Design. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 39(6): 1161-1172 (1999)
9 Shaun N. Jordan, Andrew R. Leach, John Bradshaw: The Application of Neural Networks in Conformational Analysis, 1. Prediction of Minimum and Maximum Interatomic Distances. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 35(3): 640-650 (1995)
8 Andrew R. Leach, Teri E. Klein: A Molecualr Dynamics Study of the Inhibition of Chicken Dihydrofolate Reductase by a Phenyl Triazine. Journal of Computational Chemistry 16(11): 1378-1393 (1995)
7EEAndrew R. Leach: An Algorithm To Directly Identify a Molecule's "Most Different" Conformations. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 34(3): 661-670 (1994)
6 Andrew R. Leach, Richard A. Lewis: A Ring-Bracing Approach to Computer-Assisted Ligand Design. Journal of Computational Chemistry 15(2): 233-240 (1994)
5 Andrew R. Leach, Simon R. Kilvington: Automated molecular design: A new fragment-joining algorithm. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 8(3): 283-298 (1994)
4 Richard A. Lewis, Andrew R. Leach: Current methods for site-directed structure generation. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 8(4): 467-475 (1994)
3 Andrew R. Leach: Constitutional, configurational and conformational analysis of transition metal coordination complexes. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 7(2): 225-240 (1993)
2EEAndrew R. Leach, Andrew Smellie: A combined model-building and distance-geometry approach to automated conformational analysis and search. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 32(4): 379-385 (1992)
1EEAndrew R. Leach, Daniel P. Dolata, Keith Prout: Automated conformational analysis and structure generation: algorithms for molecular perception. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 30(3): 316-324 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1John Bradshaw [9] [10] [13]
2Gianpaolo Bravi [11] [15]
3John J. Delany III [10]
4Daniel P. Dolata [1]
5Valerie J. Gillet [15]
6John C. Gittins [13]
7Andrew C. Good [12]
8Darren V. S. Green [10] [11] [12] [13]
9Michael M. Hann [10] [11] [12] [14]
10Gavin Harper [13] [14]
11Shaun N. Jordan [9]
12Duncan B. Judd [12]
13Simon R. Kilvington [5]
14Teri E. Klein [8]
15Richard A. Lewis [4] [6]
16Yogendra Patel [15]
17Keith Prout [1]
18Andrew Smellie [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)