
Luis F. León

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5EELuis F. León, David C.-L. Lam, W. M. Schertzer, David A. Swayne, Jörg Imberger: Towards coupling a 3D hydrodynamic lake model with the Canadian Regional Climate Model: Simulation on Great Slave Lake. Environmental Modelling and Software 22(6): 787-796 (2007)
4EEDavid C.-L. Lam, Luis F. León, Stuart Hamilton, Norm Crookshank, Derek Bonin, David A. Swayne: Multi-model integration in a decision support system: a technical user interface approach for watershed and lake management scenarios. Environmental Modelling and Software 19(3): 317-324 (2004)
3EELuis F. León, David C.-L. Lam, Craig McCrimmon, David A. Swayne: Watershed management modelling in Malawi: application and technology transfer. Environmental Modelling and Software 18(6): 531-539 (2003)
2 Luis F. León, David C.-L. Lam, David A. Swayne, G. J. Farquhar, E. D. Soulis: Integration of a nonpoint source pollution model with a decision support system. Environmental Modelling and Software 15(2-3): 249-255 (2000)
1 Luis F. León, N. Kouwen, G. F. Farquhar, E. D. Soulis: WATFLOOD/Water Quality Model Integration in a Decision Support System. ISESS 1999: 187-194

Coauthor Index

1Derek Bonin [4]
2Norm Crookshank [4]
3G. F. Farquhar [1]
4G. J. Farquhar [2]
5Stuart Hamilton [4]
6Jörg Imberger [5]
7N. Kouwen [1]
8David C.-L. Lam [2] [3] [4] [5]
9Craig McCrimmon [3]
10W. M. Schertzer [5]
11E. D. Soulis [1] [2]
12David A. Swayne [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)