
Stevens Le-Blond

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4EEStevens Le-Blond, Arnaud Legout, Walid Dabbous: Pushing BitTorrent Locality to the Limit CoRR abs/0812.0581: (2008)
3EEStevens Le-Blond, Jean-Loup Guillaume, Matthieu Latapy: Clustering in P2P Exchanges and Consequences on Performances. IPTPS 2005: 193-204
2EEJean-Loup Guillaume, Matthieu Latapy, Stevens Le-Blond: Statistical Analysis of a P2P Query Graph Based on Degrees and Their Time-Evolution. IWDC 2004: 126-137
1 Jean-Loup Guillaume, Stevens Le-Blond: Statistical Properties of Exchanges in P2P Systems. PDPTA 2004: 1423-1428

Coauthor Index

1Walid Dabbous [4]
2Jean-Loup Guillaume [1] [2] [3]
3Matthieu Latapy [2] [3]
4Arnaud Legout [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)